Yes, we make every effort to ensure that the product you receive matches the images displayed on our website. However, please note that slight variations in color or appearance may occur due to lighting during photography or screen settings. Rest assured, the quality and specifications of the product remain the same as described.
You can view your sales receipt by logging into your account on our website. Once logged in, go to the 'My Orders' or 'Order History' section, where you'll find all your past purchases along with the option to download or view your receipt. If you checked out as a guest, please check your email for the receipt sent to you after your purchase.
To return an item, please start by reviewing our return policy on the website to ensure your item is eligible for a return. Next, contact our customer service team via email or through the contact form on our website, providing your order number and the reason for the return. Once we receive your request, we will guide you through the return process, including providing the return shipping address and any necessary labels. Pack the item securely in its original packaging, if possible, and send it back following the instructions provided. After we receive the returned item and verify its condition, we will process your refund or exchange based on your preference. If you have any questions at any stage, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
We make every effort to restock items that are marked as out of stock, especially our most popular products. However, restocking depends on the availability of materials and demand for the product. If you’re interested in a specific item, we recommend signing up for restock notifications on our website or contacting our customer service team for updates on availability.
We currently ship orders to a wide range of locations. During the checkout process, you can enter your shipping address to confirm if we deliver to your area. If you have any concerns or special requests regarding shipping destinations, feel free to contact our customer service team for assistance.